
Showing posts from September 6, 2014

Oh, You'd Better Cherish It 你可要爱护哟

Oh, You'd Better Cherish It By Bing Hua (Rose Lu)  Your song is a message of love, Making honey in my heart Producing a sweet poem. And out from the poem rises a bird of love, Which flies into your heart to nest. Oh, you'd better cherish It. 你可要爱护哟 冰花 (Rose Lu) 你的那支曲是爱的信息 信息在我心中酿成了蜜 蜜吐出一首诗 小诗放出爱的鸟 小鸟到你心中去筑巢 你可要爱护哟 Cherish The Nest Of Love   Recite this poem (upload your own video or voice file) - NEW Listen to this poem: Your browser does not support the audio element. Topic(s): Love

To Pick Roses 摘玫瑰

To Pick Roses I just want to pick one rose Although you gave me A whole garden So many flowers! But which is the most beloved one Which one should I pick? Before I could make a choice My tears flowed down And dropped on the sheepish stamen Of a rose with thorn By the bottom of my skirt Is it dew Or tear? By Bing Hua           Tr. East Sea Fairy 摘玫瑰 冰花(Rose Lu) 只想 摘一朵玫瑰 尽管 你给了我 整个花园 这么多的花儿 哪一朵 最爱 哪一朵 应该摘 选也选不出 眼泪先流下来 落到裙边 一朵刺玫瑰 羞怯的花蕊上 是露珠 是眼泪 To Pick Roses

To Post a Heart 投 心

  To Post a Heart By Bing Hua (Rose Lu)  Translation by Richard Tornello To her first love, a letter, her heart was sent, While sure every word was written all over her face for the world to see, she did it anyway. Into the mail box it went. Blushing, breathing hard She ran home. 投心                 早春 把狂跳的心 装入信封 羞到信箱 咬咬牙 手一松儿 一颗心滑入 脸红 捂住双眼 手缝里边 没人看见 一溜烟儿 跑 开 To Post a Heart The early spring Put a wildly beating heart Into an envelope sheepish all the way to a mailbox She gritted her teeth, and loosened her hands Then a heart slipped into it Red-faced, she clapped her hands on her eyes While nobody could see through her fingers She ran away, and disappeared like a wreath of vapour By Rose Lu (Bing Hua)          Tr. East Sea Fairy 投 心 冰花 (Rose Lu) 早春 把狂跳的心 装入信封 羞到信箱 咬咬牙  手一松儿 一颗心滑入 脸红  捂住双眼 手缝里边  没人瞅见 ...

The Seventeen's 十七岁

Seventeen By Bing Hua (Rose Lu)  Translation By Richard Tornello, I often stroll on the shores of my past, expectations and aspirations, like daylight and starlight replacing they come and go. On those banks of time the feelings of my past so lush and bountiful spread out over time arising from the deepest part of my soul. And yet, I know I can never enter never pass through that again. Those memories and bitter-sweetness, the bitter-sweetness of seventeen, of my adolescence, lingers on. 十七岁 冰花 过往的情愫如同翡翠 铺陈在心灵的最深处 在岁月彼岸泛着幽绿的光 穿粉裙的女孩 带着朦胧的心 常漫步于岸边那片草坪 纵使期盼与憧憬 却永远也走不进 那扇攀满常春藤的门 日光与星光更替 泪珠滚落于琴弦之上 晶莹、咸涩、静默 花季的永恒倩影 踩痛了人生的草坪 十七岁的芬芳终究要萦绕一生 The Seventeen's By Bing Hua The emerald-like innermost feeling of the yore Spreads out at the deepest part of the soul   Shimmering with dark-green light on the other bank of time The maid wearing a pink skirt With a confused heart Often strolls on the bank-side grass Yet she can never p...

A girl 一个女孩

This Girl By Bing Hua (Rose Lu)  Translation by Xu Yingcai This girl Weaves a garland with roses You, like fleeting sunlight bathe it with a shower of kisses and then move away leaving it a dream and illusions This girl in courting the fleeting sunlight Turns away from the splendor of rainbows This girl longing unfulfilled love unexpressed to see the sunlight again resumes her kneel before the Buddha And her garland weaving A girl By Bing Hua Translation By Richard Tornello This girl made a garland of roses, and you were her sunlight, the sunlight that bathed the roses in a rainbow of kisses. And then, you left. You left her to dream. In time, that girl refused other rainbows. In time, hoping for those sunlight kisses In time, longing and loving silently she knelt before the Buddha, a garland of roses, her offering, her prayer.             一个女孩 一个女孩 ...