Oh, You'd Better Cherish It 你可要爱护哟
Oh, You'd Better Cherish It By Bing Hua (Rose Lu) Your song is a message of love, Making honey in my heart Producing a sweet poem. And out from the poem rises a bird of love, Which flies into your heart to nest. Oh, you'd better cherish It. 你可要爱护哟 冰花 (Rose Lu) 你的那支曲是爱的信息 信息在我心中酿成了蜜 蜜吐出一首诗 小诗放出爱的鸟 小鸟到你心中去筑巢 你可要爱护哟 Cherish The Nest Of Love Recite this poem (upload your own video or voice file) - NEW Listen to this poem: Your browser does not support the audio element. Topic(s): Love