Love 爱 恋
(图片来自网络) Love By Bing Hua (Rose Lu) Tr. By Richard Tornello , 东海仙子 Is there love of this kind? Leaving you and turning into a pair of eyes behind to throw the wrap over your shoulder when the biting wind is coming. Is there love of this type? Leaving you and turning into a helpful helper to open for you, when the rain falls, an umbrella. Is there love of this sort? Leaving you and keeping you in the dark by honoring the pledge of yesterday. Is there this type of affections? Leaving you, swallowing all complaints, and suffering all humiliations in order that you may have greater expectations. 爱 恋 冰花 有没有这样一种爱恋 离开你 变成你身后的一双眼 寒风来前 把披风搭在你的肩 有没有这样一种爱恋 离开你 变成你的左右手 下雨前 为你撑起一把伞 有没有这样一种爱恋 离开你 让往日的誓言 通过别人来兑现 你却蒙在鼓里边 有没有这样一种爱恋 离开你 忍辱负重吞下千恨万怨 只为你 有个更美好的明天