February’s Rose Reviewed by Michael Escoubas: Like Emily Dickinson, Bing Hua's work is punctuated with wonder
Quill & Parchment:February’s Rose Reviewed by Michael Escoubas February’s Rose by Bing Hua Translation by Yingcai Xu 100 poems ~ 140 pages Format: 6’’ x 9” ~ Perfect Bound Price: $19.99 Publisher: Finishing Line Press ISBN: ISBN-10: 1646627822 ISBN-13: 978-1646627820 To Order: Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Februarys-Rose-Bing-Hua/dp/1646627822/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1WLS9M16O2IBK&keywords=by+bing+hua&qid=1647629194&s=books&sprefix=%2Cstripbooks%2C43&sr=1-1 Reviewed by Michael Escoubas: The esteemed early 20th century novelist Willa Cather (1873-1947) once wrote: “Many people seem to think that art is a luxury to be imported and tacked on to life. Art springs out of the very stuff that life is made of. Art must spring out of the fulness and richness of life.” Although Cather was a novelist and Bing Hua a poet, I sense an affinity between them. Both understand the purpose of art. Both instill the idea that life and art cannot be separated. Both know l...