
Showing posts from April 5, 2020

10 Poems by Bing Hua 冰花诗选 10首 Tr by Xu Yingcai 翻译 徐英才

冰花 诗选  10 首     翻 译   徐英才 1 不是流浪 就 这样离去 决不回首 英雄的 传记里 不写流泪和哭声 就 这样离去 决不回首 无 论身后的噪音多响 河里的青蛙如何怪叫 就 这样走下去 踏着落叶 走向 远方 带着往日的执着 放 飞昨日的心伤 走 进夕阳 就 这样走下去 走 进他人的村庄 当做自己的家 乡 走 进森林 重建家园 不是流浪 This Is not Roving I will leave like this And never return For the biography of a hero Never carries tears or crying I will leave like this And never return No matter how loud the noise behind is Or what weird croaks the river frogs make I will walk on like this ---- Treading on the fallen leaves I will walk into the distance And with the usual persistence To let go the past sorrows I will walk into the setting-sun lights I will walk on like this ---- I will walk into the village of others‘ And take it as my own hometown I will walk into the forest To rebuild my home This is not roving 2 惊      鸟 哦   吓了一跳 原来是一只 鸟 从 树上飞走 不知道 是我吓着了它 还是...