
Showing posts from 2014

Flowery Age 花季

FLOWERY AGE By Bing Hua (Rose Lu)  Tr. By Richard Tornello Youth’s flowering released  free untethered. In love, showered her love, to you with the jewel of her youth and beauty She worshiped her god and on a pedestal you were placed. Love brings sorrow and joy laughter and tears, she embraced them all you her god. Now that infatuation of youth is torn asunder and reality brings different tears. Maturity, only then the taste of true tears of love. All that is past is past ossified solid  dead is dead don't bother to seek the past. There is no need. 花 季 冰花 初春的时节 象放风筝一样 放飞过自己 也曾用玛瑙  水晶 雕塑过你 用钻石  玉珠 镶嵌过你 以至顶的虔诚 将你膜拜  高举 喜怒哀乐 因你而更替 偶像碎啦 绝望的泪水 沐浴出不绝望的自己 过去的一切 凝固在句号里 句号里的究竟 无需再寻觅 The early spring, Like a kite, Once released herself for flight, She also sculptured you With agate, and crystal And embedded you With diamond, and jade beads With the most pious faith She worsh

My Confession 自 白

  My Confession 自 白 我 一个感情至上的人 一根火柴点燃了青春 情感的火焰烤错了人 我 一个单纯的人 心儿没有染上丝毫灰尘 始终为我的那个他 封存 My Confession By Bing Hua (Rose Lu)  Tr. East Sea Fairy Edited By ZhuXiaodi, William Marr I, A girl who loves feeling more than anything else, Lighted youth with a match But the blaze of my affection thawed out the wrong guy I'm A naïve girl My virgin heart is still sealed For my love                    

How Much Do I Want! 多想

How Much Do I Want! By Bing Hua (Rose Lu)  Tr. East Sea Fairy Edited By Richard Tornello How much do I want to see you, But afraid so. What you are drinking is sweet honey; mine is bitter wine. How much do I want to go up to present best wishes! But so afraid of bothering you My heart is broken. One half is crying The other is praying for you. 多  想 冰花 多想见到你哟 又多怕见到 你饮的是甜蜜 我喝的是苦酒 多想前去祝福 又多怕将你搅扰 把心分成两半呀 一半在哭泣 一半为你祈祷

Let You Go 放你走

Let You Go Your heart is already not here. Do not deny it, my friend! And you don’t need to withdraw in haste Please wait for a while And let me give you a ride Come on. Let’s weigh and consider About the time that flied past Who has accompanied whom? The confused passions rises and falls on impulse The manner betrayed the original intentions The fluid glance of sympathy worth being cherished That is putting out the fire of love Must be the guilty part in the memory And the wound of affection Ultimately, on the warfield for a solution One keeps the other company patiently While the other fighting faithfully Hates to continue it and prefer a quick lose and win Should we ignore each other? No Isn’t the proud Sun high up there Also suckling the wine of the earth? There would be lifetime respect and enjoyment Once there is An eye contact of love Oh, a little heart Holding the colorful universe Coming to the human world on a tour Just wants to give But

It’s My fault 是我错了

It’s My fault There aren’t blurring tears Nor hesitating tones On the writing paper Just my fault between all the lines. It’s my fault Your passion in a few words Inspired the frail’s tiding love But you mailed a two-page letter To write off my craze for you for so many years It’s my fault A pure white flower Let you squeeze out an icy wind from between your teeth to blow it yellow And a happy night pigeon Let the scornful smile at the corner of your mouth still it After my sharp pains Your slow self-accusing letter comes, sparing no ink and words, except compunction To heap praises on me Do you want to package your image at the end Or do you want to seek for forgiveness Comparing to the frankness of the muddle-headed I dislike the evasion of scholars It’s my fault I’m a hot wind from the equator But you are an icy snow from the pole One is ever hot But the other is ever cold I live busily to Breathe in oxygen And breathe out carbon dioxide Without

Maybe 也 许

Maybe Maybe that short message Is a symbol of farewell and adieu Maybe love and like in the past Have turned into pains of loathing Maybe love and loathing coexist Loathing curses my love While love drinks my weighty Salty teardrops That drop down unachievable dreams While inches of time are wasted for me Maybe I regret the meeting of you and me And rejoice that we didn’t tie the love knot Maybe this moment you say I’m worthless But another moment you will praise my firmness and unyieldingness Maybe you want me to feel guilty by staying single lifetime And hope to have a lightening wedding with the one better than me How I cherish and value those Who loved me! I can have a thread of relief Only when you’ve got a piece of new green. By Bing Hua (Rose Lu)  Tr. East Sea Fairy Maybe                            也 许 冰花  也许 那封短信 是永别的象征 也许 昔日的爱悦 化成了恨的伤痛 也许 爱恨同在 恨 诅咒着我的爱 爱 又为我吞噬着沉重 咸涩的泪珠 滴着不能实现的梦 寸寸金时又为我虚掷 也许 悔恨你我相逢 又庆幸和我未成 也许 

Near and Far 近与远

Near and Far By Rose Lu (Bing Hua) Tr.  By Richard Tornello too quickly, getting close,  intimately. Infatuation? Now strangers a greater  distance than before.     Near and Far By Rose Lu (Bing Hua) Tr. East Sea Fairy Approaching, in haste Getting near After all Truly near Far so unknownly far away That we've become strangers Really become strangers? By Rose Lu (Bing Hua) Tr. East Sea Fairy 近与远 冰花(RoseLu) 近  匆匆 毕竟 近了 近可是真的 远  茫茫 成了路人 难道真的 成了路人  Picture from Net Near and Far                              

To Cast Cobblestones 投鹅卵石

Casting Stones By Bing Hua (Rose Lu)  Tr. By  Richard Tornello I’ve been sending signals to you messages requesting, Asking you reveal the depth of your feelings. Like rocks tossed into a lake The ripples, the waves, the message makes To where ever you might be Your message back to me. And I wait and wait and wait. To Cast Cobblestones By Rose Lu (Bing hua) Tr. East Sea Fairy   I cast one after another cobblestones Down Into the water To measure the distance The surprised surface Wimples ripples With waves all linked one another Running a relay race to convey the good intention I cast, cast, and cast down While the sun with the moon and stars alternate on, and on. 投鹅卵石 冰花 (Rose Lu) 一颗颗鹅卵石 向水里投去 想丈量它的距离 惊喜的水面 泛起层层涟漪 浪花接力着浪花 一环套一环传递着美意 投去投去再投去 日月星晨交替      To Cast Cobblestones                

Step Onto Seashore 足至海边

Step Onto Seashore By Bing Hua (Rose Lu)  Translation By Richard Tornello V2: You, me, this uncertainty, I can’t go on like this anymore! My desire for you will stay hidden in my heart Damn it all, I won’t go on like this anymore! To remind me of the maybe, what could have been, A photo, frozen in time. But I can’t do this anymore, Waiting, wasting my life No damn it, I won’t live like this! Relationships die, I’m not afraid of this death But without me He, He has no idea of the lost love and tranquility. V1  You, me, this uncertainty I can’t go on like this anymore My desire for you will stay hidden in my heart I won’t go on like this anymore To remind me of the maybe, what could have been, A photo, frozen in time. I can’t do this anymore waiting, wasting my life I won’t live like this. Relationships die, I’m not afraid of this death But without me He, He has no idea of the lost love and tranquility. No, I

The Star and The Sea 星星与海

The Star and The Sea By Bing Hua, Translation By Richard Tornello The star is in love with the sea and twinkles her eyes. To her surprise two eyes twinkle in concert! She flies down just at the knife-edge, the twilight of dawn. Now doomed as she descends to the human world. What a pity… Oh, it’s just a dream. THE STAR AND THE SEA  BY Rose Lu (Bing Hua)        Tr. East Sea Fairy The star is in love with the sea and twinkles her eyes. To her surprise two eyes twinkle in concert! She flies down just at the knife-edge, the twilight of dawn. Now doomed as she descends to the human world. What a pity… Oh, it’s just a dream. Unaware of its depth, The star in love with the sea, Twinkles her eyes To take a look Two eyes twinkle in concert Doomed to descend to the human world Flies down in a knife of dawn What a pity! It's just a dream. BY Rose Lu (Bing Hua)        Tr. East Sea Fairy 星星与海 冰花 (Rose Lu) 星

Gone 离 去

MOMENT OF DEPARTURE By Bing Hua (Rose Lu)  Tr. Richard Tornello Oh so cold, down to the bone cold watching you disappear. Please, a kiss, a word, a look back. My heart trembles as I see you off. Scorching mid day sun, Burning my being throughout. 离去 冰花 望着你的背影 远去 我的心在颤栗 多么希望你转过头 或留下一丝温柔 然而 你就是你 我用泪水模糊的目光送你 噢 好冷 这到底 是炎热的夏天 还是冰冷的冬季 Gone Seeing your back fade away into the yonder I felt my heart trembling How I wished you would turn back Or leave a thread of tenderness behind But you are you I saw you off with my tear-blurred eyes Oh, so cold! Is it after all The scorching summer Or the icy winter? By Rose Lu (Bing Hua) Tr. East Sea Fairy 离  去 冰花 望着你的背影 远去 我的心在颤栗 多么希望你转过头 或留下一丝温柔 然而 你就是你 我用泪水模糊的目光送你 噢 好冷 这到底 是炎热的夏天 还是冰冷的冬季 Gone                       

Blue Sorrow 蓝色的忧伤

Blue Sorrow Blue Sorrow Coming to the seashore quietly I gazed out over the boundless sea Endless worries were dominating my surging heart In which The past was flying Enlightened by Buddha I obtained a great kind heart With elevated affections I fell on my knees by Cupid And all of a sudden my dream of love Fled And the one walking out of the tent was my brother, not my lover. Nothing is more dreadful than being desperate The rocks in the sea Robbed all love away The sea gurgled and burbled While tears of grievance flowing down Blue sea Blue sorrow By Rose Lu(Bing Hua) Tr. East Sea Fairy Recite this poem (upload your own video or voice file) - NEW Listen to this poem: Your browser does not support the audio element. 蓝色的忧伤 冰花 (Rose Lu) 悄悄来到大海边 眺望无际的沧海 无尽的烦恼 统治着奔涌的心房 奔涌的心房 往事飘扬 菩萨的点化下 有了菩萨的心肠 情感的升华 拜倒在丘庇特身旁 爱情的梦想 瞬间就得逃亡 走出帏帐的 是兄弟不是情

Wind 风 儿

Wind By Bing Hua (Rose Lu)  Tr. East Sea Fairy Edited By William Marr The wind is blowing The flare of my skirt is flying Ah, wind Don’t mention the word LOVE to me It’s too light yet too heavy For my small hand To lift 风 儿 冰花 (Rose Lu) 风儿在吹 我的裙摆在飞 风儿啊 不要对我提“爱”字 它太轻又太重 我的小手 举也举不动 Wind                      

Oh, You'd Better Cherish It 你可要爱护哟

Oh, You'd Better Cherish It By Bing Hua (Rose Lu)  Your song is a message of love, Making honey in my heart Producing a sweet poem. And out from the poem rises a bird of love, Which flies into your heart to nest. Oh, you'd better cherish It. 你可要爱护哟 冰花 (Rose Lu) 你的那支曲是爱的信息 信息在我心中酿成了蜜 蜜吐出一首诗 小诗放出爱的鸟 小鸟到你心中去筑巢 你可要爱护哟 Cherish The Nest Of Love   Recite this poem (upload your own video or voice file) - NEW Listen to this poem: Your browser does not support the audio element. Topic(s): Love

To Pick Roses 摘玫瑰

To Pick Roses I just want to pick one rose Although you gave me A whole garden So many flowers! But which is the most beloved one Which one should I pick? Before I could make a choice My tears flowed down And dropped on the sheepish stamen Of a rose with thorn By the bottom of my skirt Is it dew Or tear? By Bing Hua           Tr. East Sea Fairy 摘玫瑰 冰花(Rose Lu) 只想 摘一朵玫瑰 尽管 你给了我 整个花园 这么多的花儿 哪一朵 最爱 哪一朵 应该摘 选也选不出 眼泪先流下来 落到裙边 一朵刺玫瑰 羞怯的花蕊上 是露珠 是眼泪 To Pick Roses

To Post a Heart 投 心

  To Post a Heart By Bing Hua (Rose Lu)  Translation by Richard Tornello To her first love, a letter, her heart was sent, While sure every word was written all over her face for the world to see, she did it anyway. Into the mail box it went. Blushing, breathing hard She ran home. 投心                 早春 把狂跳的心 装入信封 羞到信箱 咬咬牙 手一松儿 一颗心滑入 脸红 捂住双眼 手缝里边 没人看见 一溜烟儿 跑 开 To Post a Heart The early spring Put a wildly beating heart Into an envelope sheepish all the way to a mailbox She gritted her teeth, and loosened her hands Then a heart slipped into it Red-faced, she clapped her hands on her eyes While nobody could see through her fingers She ran away, and disappeared like a wreath of vapour By Rose Lu (Bing Hua)          Tr. East Sea Fairy 投 心 冰花 (Rose Lu) 早春 把狂跳的心 装入信封 羞到信箱 咬咬牙  手一松儿 一颗心滑入 脸红  捂住双眼 手缝里边  没人瞅见 跑开  一溜烟儿 To Post a Heart 

The Seventeen's 十七岁

Seventeen By Bing Hua (Rose Lu)  Translation By Richard Tornello, I often stroll on the shores of my past, expectations and aspirations, like daylight and starlight replacing they come and go. On those banks of time the feelings of my past so lush and bountiful spread out over time arising from the deepest part of my soul. And yet, I know I can never enter never pass through that again. Those memories and bitter-sweetness, the bitter-sweetness of seventeen, of my adolescence, lingers on. 十七岁 冰花 过往的情愫如同翡翠 铺陈在心灵的最深处 在岁月彼岸泛着幽绿的光 穿粉裙的女孩 带着朦胧的心 常漫步于岸边那片草坪 纵使期盼与憧憬 却永远也走不进 那扇攀满常春藤的门 日光与星光更替 泪珠滚落于琴弦之上 晶莹、咸涩、静默 花季的永恒倩影 踩痛了人生的草坪 十七岁的芬芳终究要萦绕一生 The Seventeen's By Bing Hua The emerald-like innermost feeling of the yore Spreads out at the deepest part of the soul   Shimmering with dark-green light on the other bank of time The maid wearing a pink skirt With a confused heart Often strolls on the bank-side grass Yet she can never p

A girl 一个女孩

This Girl By Bing Hua (Rose Lu)  Translation by Xu Yingcai This girl Weaves a garland with roses You, like fleeting sunlight bathe it with a shower of kisses and then move away leaving it a dream and illusions This girl in courting the fleeting sunlight Turns away from the splendor of rainbows This girl longing unfulfilled love unexpressed to see the sunlight again resumes her kneel before the Buddha And her garland weaving A girl By Bing Hua Translation By Richard Tornello This girl made a garland of roses, and you were her sunlight, the sunlight that bathed the roses in a rainbow of kisses. And then, you left. You left her to dream. In time, that girl refused other rainbows. In time, hoping for those sunlight kisses In time, longing and loving silently she knelt before the Buddha, a garland of roses, her offering, her prayer.             一个女孩 一个女孩                   用玫瑰编织着花环