
Showing posts from December 24, 2015

The Masquerade 假面舞会

The Masquerade By Bing Hua (Rose Lu)  At the masquerade You were the prince And I the Snow White. When your soft hand touched my waist My blue melancholy Became a plume of smoke Rising from the dance floor. When the bell tolled at midnight you departed with a backward glance, Leaving me A mask of love On the long stairs A red rose Waiting to bloom       假面舞会        冰花 化妆舞会 你是王子 我是白雪姑娘 轻挽我的裙腰 蓝色的忧郁 舞池中 化为青烟袅袅 午夜的钟声敲响 你离去又转身回眸 留给我 一张爱的面具 长长的楼梯上 飞落一朵红玫瑰 含苞待放 The Masquerade At the masquerade You were the prince And I the Snow White. When your soft hand touched my waist My blue melancholy Became a plume of smoke Rising from the dance floor. When the bell tolled at midnight you departed with a backward glance, Leaving me A mask of love On the long stairs A red rose Waiting to bloom